Terms & Conditions

Pensionato S Giuseppe Calasanzio 

Via Don C. Gnocchi, 18  

20148 Milan  


Tel. (+39)




As from Yours kind application, sends an extract of the  RULE:


In to give you the welcome one in our Pensioner, we submit to your attention some norms, necessary for a correct course of the life in common: 


It is important to keep in mind of the serious style, respectful of everybody, but with essential religious characteristics of the Pensioner himself; insofar you is not acknowledged to frequent the common places (gatehouse, room television, salette to the terrestrial plan, corridors, etc.) in non presentable suits (how pajamas and slippers, etc.,). 


The Residence is masculine only and has been observing to her times a schedule of closing for the hours 01,00 - 6,00. 


·         Come furnished the room, the cleaning, the change of the laundry is weekly. Any type of food is not furnished.. 


·         From the hours 8,30 to her times 12,30 the room has to be free for the cleanings. 


·         You cleaning of the rooms is guaranteed, as far as possible and of the syndical demands of the personnel, every day from Monday to Friday; never in the festive days. 


·         Cause the normative fireproof is forbidden the use of incandescence appliances or the to cook foods. The special room can be used endowed with micro-waves ovens. 


·         It’s absolutely forbidden to bring in room mopeds, bicycles and similar. 


·         Any extraneous can access the Pensioner and so much less to the rooms, particular exceptions excepted you authorize of time in turned by the Direction. 


·         Later the hours 22.30 the silence recommends him: then the use of broadcast and television instruments and every troublesome noise you are avoided in the rooms and in the corridors. 


·         At the hours 01,00, when the gatehouse is closed, all have to retire himself/herself/themselves in his/her own rooms, it is not owed more to stop in the common places, even in the gatehouse and in the room television. 


·         Free park from 19,30 to 9.00: the parke gate close at 00:00 as the office. from the hours 9,00 to her times 19,30 of all days of the week the automobiles cannot be parked inside the courtyard since it’s used for the activities of the oratory and the Parish. 


·         You acquits to the payment of the monthly straight line in the following way:  

 €. 380,00  a month for the room with bath in common.

 €. 450,00  a month for the room with private bath.

 €. 500,00   a month for the large  room with double exposure and  private bath.  

paid by Credit Card - Cash - Check 


CHECK-IN & CHECK OUT  time       9:30 - 12:00  //  15:30 - 20:00



Local Tourist Tax non included (€. 4,90/day for the first 14 days).


The charge must be paid in full in advance. 


The interruption of permanence at the Pensioner must have been communicated in writing at least two days before the departure

(the form is to disposition in operator). 


Since January 2017 the hotel is  "SMOKE FREE" , so in all relevant areas of the house smoking will be not allowed. 


The Direction is not taken on any responsibility for the objects inside rooms.   

Possible objects of value can be deposited in safety near the offices of the Direction.



 The Direction reserves him the right to estrange from the Pensioner who contravenes to the aforesaid norms or you results not however pleasant.  

Dove siamo:

Via Don Carlo Gnocchi 18

20148 Milano


Orario Segreteria:

Lunedì - Venerdì  h.   8,30-12,30


Sabato - Domenica segreteria chiusa

WhatsApp e Cellulare 351.88.900.48


Tel:        02.406.298


Mail:    info@calasanziomilano.it 




Sito ATM di Milano


Comune di Milano


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